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What are the social media methods?  

Social media is an informative content that people put on the Internet using highly scalable publishing techniques to access and expand publication. Examples, sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube, and even Wiki sites.


Why is it important to have accounts for your company on social media?

Social networking sites constitute the new revolution in the world of information and advertising, and in this research conducted by the company PlatformsFx we put in your hands the most important reasons that make it necessary to have accounts for your company or your business on social media, and they are as follows: –


1 – Brand identification.

Most of the internet users have accounts on social media, and these sites have captured the attention and the follow-up of users to replace most other internet sites, so communication, news and announcements are made through social media sites. This helps you to spread your brand in the most popular and used sites.

2- It works to increase the percentage of profits through the product reaching a large number of Internet users.

The wider spread is often accompanied by higher sales and certainly this leads to an increase in the percentage of your profits.

3- Publicize company websites or increase their visibility in search engines.

The publications that you will publish on the company’s pages will help people looking for services or products that you offer to reach you directly and quickly and without the costs of advertising.

4 – Understand customers and their needs and provide them with a better service.

Reaching the largest number of consumers. You can also build a social base with consumers, thereby increasing communication in an easy way that enables you and the consumer to have a direct relationship, which facilitates understanding the needs of the consumer.

5 – Very low marketing cost.

Ads on social media are considered much less expensive than ads on other sites, and reaches larger numbers of users in a shorter time.

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جميع الحقوق محفوظة © حقوق النشر لعام 2022 لشركة PlatformsFx, Inc. ™