What Is The PLATFORMSFX Trading Platform, And What Do Clients Think Of It?


What is the PLATFORMSFX trading platform, and what do clients think of it? In this article, we will explain to you the characteristics of the PLATFORMSFX trading platform and its most important features, and we will present the opinions of users of the platform. In the beginning, the platform must be defined, and it is […]

Why is it important to boost your company’s presence on social media ?


What are the social media methods?   Social media is an informative content that people put on the Internet using highly scalable publishing techniques to access and expand publication. Examples, sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Youtube, and even Wiki sites.   Why is it important to have accounts for your company on social media? […]

What Is Forex ?


A question asked by many and yet have received a clear answer of what Forex actually is. Hopefully, after reading this blog you’ll have a clearer image of what the overall meaning of Forex is. Initially speaking, Forex is short for foreign exchange. It’s composed of 2 subcategories such as; Forex trading and Forex market. […]

Guidelines for starting your own Forex Brokerage Company


Are you pondering on how to start your very own Forex brokerage company? Well you’ve come to the right place! Hopefully with the guidelines stated below you’ll have a clearer image of how to successfully open your forex brokerage company from scratch. Here are the 8 steps outlined below: Choose your target group First off, […]